Profil użytkownika „Timothy Wilson”

Syndicate Sub Rosa and Alexei Orlov

Syndicate Sub Rosa and Alexei Orlov partner to bring brands back to life

Syndicate Sub Rosa is a branding agency that emphasizes applied empathy, cultural insight, and creative intelligence as it reimagines, reinvents, and assists brands in finding their full potential. The branding and marketing company is one of four agencies that fall under the all-encompassing MTM umbrella run by Alexei Orlov. Given Alexei Orlov's inspiring past, working with countless brands across the globe, it should come as little surprise that Syndicate Sub Rosa has an extensive global reach and clients scattered into every corner of the universe as well. However, it is not just Alexei Orlov and MTM's partnership that has helped the agency grow. Instead, it is the simple fact that Syndicate Sub Rosa offers an innovative approach to marketing that simply works.

The Psychology Behind Syndicate Sub Rosa's Approach

“We bring together research, strategy, and design to clarify purpose and drive growth, engagement, and awareness for brands.”

One of the main reasons Syndicate Sub Rosa stands out amidst a crowd of competitors begins with its process, which includes delving into the brand landscape using emotion and empathy as the viewing lens. 

If a brand has lost its connection with its audience, Syndicate Sub Rosa examines why this is occurring. Once analyzed and understood, it can solve the issue and reconnect the brand with its people. 

Alexei Orlov, MTM CEO, is incredibly skilled with the use of ‘applied empathy’ as a core marketing tactic. This connection very well could be what initially drew Orlov to Syndicate Sub Rosa. He acquired the branding agency in 2017 to make it an essential part of his specialist-driven brand-activating corner of the marketing world he calls MTM (Moments That Matter). 


Syndicate Sub Rosa and Alexei Orlov Partner to Bring Brands Back to Life
Syndicate Sub Rosa and Alexei Orlov


Syndicate Sub Rosa and Alexei Orlov
