Profil appartenant à Muhammad Osmond

Lundi the Lost Puffin

Editorial Review
Award-Winning Finalist in the Children's Picture Book: Softcover Fiction category of the 2020 Best Book Awards sponsored by American Book Fest.

View the book here.
Lundi the Lost Puffin is one of the first books I've worked on. It was late in April 2020 when Eric Newman contacted me on Fiverr, asking if I'm interested in illustrating a book he'd just finished writing. Once I read the transcript, it didn't take me long to picture up the scenes in my head and I absolutely fell in love with Lundi being an adorable bundle of joy, the beautiful sceneries of Iceland, along with the story that's so simple but actually has a deeper meaning.
Mainly centered on the well-known adorable birds, the illustrations I made set out to bring the cutest out of puffins. It was quite tricky since most puffin references are either babies or adults. I could only find a few 'teenage' phase, but still managed to keep the size proportion nonetheless.
Iceland is one of many places where you can find Atlantic puffins. Despite being located close to the north pole, the island's vast coast stays ice-free during winter, allowing puffins to seek refuge and raise their hatchlings safely. The sub-artic island has a lot of exotic green sceneries-most of which I succeeded capturing, thanks to many external references.
To bring out most of the scenery beauty, I decided that oil-painting would suit this entire book the best due to its amount of details and rich in colors.
Lundi the Lost Puffin
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Lundi the Lost Puffin

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