The New Zealand Local Government Elections (LGE) for 2019 were due for a visual and functional overhaul
The first steps involved direct communication with the Electoral Officer and seeing which direction to take by visually communicating ideas
This process also involved being in correspondence with over 26 district and regional councils such as Auckland Council and Environment Southland.
The individualizeded front cover designs for each council, incorporating the personality of each location they represent
All council handbooks involved with ES were changed from using tables in InDesign to a 'paragraph styles' which in turn finished months earlier than the previous method. 

The introduction of personalised colour, imagery and better visual clues garnered positive feedback from the councils and the candidates referring to them.​​​​​​​ 

At the end of the contract, I designed a templated version that would be universal for each council. This would greatly increase efficiency for future elections such as 2023, 2026 etc.
The Election Services team in 2019. As the sole designer for this project, it was a great experience hearing the appreciations from the improved handbooks across New Zealand.

You can view some of the Candidate Information Handbooks I worked on online.
(as of 2021)

Auckland Council
Taranaki Regional Council
Environment Southland 
Kaipara District Council
Election Services


Election Services
