10% Thuthuzela - Group 03 - trans_

10% Thuthuzela project
For this project we investigated, explored, designed and implemented a Safe space for the trans* community. We had to do research, do planning and we went through a lot of process work to get to our final concept.

By the end of these four weeks, we would have occupied a physical space by designing our own ‘safe space’ experience based on a set of tools which we were given. Our physical occupation will be accompanied by a supporting advertising campaign, as well as a toolbox which is intended to function as a portable and replicable version of our ‘safe space’ experience. Our ‘safe space’ experience will also be seen as an exploration and investigation.

The problem
The problem we found was that there is not enough medical facilities that help or aid the trans* community with transitions and hormones. They struggle to find hospitals that cater for their needs and that aren't too expensive. The trans* community need a way to access medical facilities and to feel safe and accepted in our society.
The Solution
Trans_ is an intermediary initiative, aimed at aiding and supporting people within the trans* community, who face lack of access to financial resources and medical aid, during their transition process. From mental health care to easier access to government hospitals, facilities, and mental health healing, by creating an online plug in system into government hospitals and medical facilities.

trans_ hopes to provide easier access to those within the trans* community to easily make bookings or consultations with doctors and mental health professionals.

Not only will trans_ aid in a more effective booking system, the website also provides those who use the service as an online trans* virtual community, where the user is able to communicate over chat platforms and access online therapy sessions, and engage in trans* conversations.

In support of the trans* community, trans_ aims to support, uplift, and advocate for the trans* community as a whole.
Our Planned outcomes
- aims to create a plug in to government hospitals for trans* community to make bookings    and gain access to medical access

- tracks transition journey of user

- provides online platforms of communication within trans* community

- allows for online positive mental health building

- information hub dedicated to educating and supporting the trans* community
Our Logo
Our website Mockups
Seminar Mockups
Our Digital Advertising
Our Print Advertising
Our Modular Safe Space
Our Promotional Video
                                                   Thank you for watching
10% Thuthuzela - Group 03 - trans_