Профиль Alexandra Lupu

Summer Sunset in the Carpathian Mountains

The Carpathian Mountains are a thing of wonder. Apart from crowded mountain resorts, popular hiking trails and a couple of castles, you can also find remote villages with breathtaking views. 

Just a few kilometres from the world known Dracula's castle in Bran are the villages of Peștera and Măgura. They have also gained some fame in the last couple of years, but you cannot blame people when you see those views. Close to the Piatra Craiului mountains and with spectacular views towards Bucegi mountains, every moment is a show. Tall hills and deep valleys set the tone for misty morning sunrises and flowing thin rain clouds bathed in sunset glow.

These are a few photos I took in the village of Peștera at sunset just after a storm. The storm had left behind a few misty clouds and the setting sun put on a golden show.

I hope you enjoy the views as much as I did.
Thank you for stopping by! 

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Summer Sunset in the Carpathian Mountains

Summer Sunset in the Carpathian Mountains
