Genevieve Smith-Nunes  @pegleggen​​​​​​​
About Genevieve:

Multi award winning artist, producer, educator, and researcher. A self-professed geek and huge sci-fi fan, Genevieve uses sci-fi examples and technology innovations to engage and educate students of all ages. She is an Entrepreneur, Lecturer at Roehampton University. Genevieve currently a PhD Candidate at Cambridge University: 
exploration creative computer science education and data ethics through the narrative tools of ballet and brainwaves.  

In 2013, she set up ReadySaltedCode, a not for profit organization providing innovative digital computing STEAM-focused education. The organization provides workshops and training, produces large scale technology-enhanced classical ballet performances using data-driven dance to highlight, engage, and encourage people to love computer science and data ethics.
FrameVR of Singularity
Data Driven Dance

Data Driven Dance
