Hi! This is my new creation-a burning cheese named Cheesie. He is funny and waggish and has a wide range of different emotions. With this project, I want to show how one character can be used in different ways. In my case, these are stickers, printed products and just like the brand's tilisman. Аnd you can still come up with a lot of things and ideas! I wrote a little story to better introduce my character to you. Have a nice viewing! 
And we will begin our story with an Italian greeting - Salute! Yes, he is still a full-blooded Italian of the Grana Padano family, originally from Northern Italy, from the edges of the Po River.
Every minute he is overwhelmed with emotions. For him, from sadness to hysteria is one step, but he does not linger in negative emotions and always raises his own mood.
Also, you need to know about the Cheese that he doesn't tolerate the heat- it turns him into melted cheese immediately. Someone may like it, but not him, he prefers hard cheese varieties. 
Well, what kind of cheese without wine? The perfect combination, that's just… There are too many holes in Cheesie's body and no liquids stay for a long time.
So, Cheese  has a little problem with drinking, but everything is fine with food.  He adores to eat . His favorite food is, of course, true Italian pizza. Before you know it, the little pickle will sweep everything from the table!
The love of his whole life is sausage - Sisu, they have a romance, they walk along the Italian streets, pamper each other with gifts, by the way, about gifts! Did you notice Cheesie's socks with a sausage pattern on them? Take a closer look! This is a gift from Sisu, so that they can always be together.
But in any story cannot do without enemies. At the sight of them, Cheesie becomes big, strong and furious and then...
...runs away so quickly that no one can catch him up. So... yes, he's not one of the brave ones.
In Russia, Cheesie is so popular that his photos are placed on pizza boxes and other stuff. In my opinion, an excellent marketing move! 
It's also convenient to express your emotions with the help of Cheesie, just send the desired sticker to a friend! Oh, by the way, this is for you, my dear follower: https://t.me/addstickers/Cheeesie. Now you can use this sticker pack too!
If you want to enliven, bring color to your company-let's come up with your brand-Сharacter together. It can be put into print, on a website, make stickers and much more.
I am always open to cooperation and new offers
Feel free to contact me:
Burning Cheese - Cheesie!


Burning Cheese - Cheesie!
