Here are some of the T-Shirts I designed for myself or exclusively for the guys I had fun sharing time with on some awesome projects. ​​​​​​​
Ruling the cosmos with Bitcoin? Let's do this!  
This is one of the super comprehensive designs I made for one of my friends. I bet you want to get some Bitcoin, a flying car, and conquer the cosmos when you look at this t-shirt xD 
Mining Crypto & Chill 
I made this super cool t-shirt exclusively for my friend. It is another very original design. You can see here how nicely I balanced the strong colors and how well I merged the 2d and 3d elements.
Comprehending our Information Heritage
This is a design I made for myself while I was reading a ton of different books -- ancient, old, recent and new. The project I am talking about here is 'The Project' which is about everything constructive people do around in our solar system. I hope it sparks an inspiration!
Relax & Be Yourself! 
This one has been made from the TheraΦhi logo. We can consider *a* TheraΦhi which would be an electro-medicine or healing-plasma device, or *the* TheraΦhi. The TheraΦhi here would be a phenomenon of connected devices and the process of global meditation. I was involved in a scientific revolution that this device is signifying. This is the most powerful t-shirt I have ever had on myself ;) 
Think BIG & Enjoy the Journey! 
Here is a couple of t-shirts I did for my everyday wandering around the office. The BigArt is my personal brand & Humanity's Myth is the title of one of my YouTube films I totally like xD The story of both designs is super amazing and I will be happy to tell you all about it if you will ask :) 

