Yana Prakopchyk's profile

"Pi’mCHOLE" project

The cycle "Pi’mCHOLE" was made with a special photography technique, a homemade pinhole camera. The description of each triptych consists of six polish words. These are small stories, following the great writer Hemingway.
1. Listening, absorbing. Transforming into.. the music.
2. Childhood memories only see domestic walls
3. No place in salad, I’m darnel
4.1 Too stuffy, the light tempts me
4.2/5 Sometimes (however) I’m hiding from world/light
6. I tried to adjust, haven’t succeeded
7. From abyss of calamity and misery I roar
8. No message, feel like forgotten junk
9. Listen, explore world through dance, hear
10. Don’t need mirror, I watch you
"Pi’mCHOLE" project


"Pi’mCHOLE" project

The cycle "Pi’mCHOLE" was made with a special photography technique, a homemade pinhole camera. The description of each triptych consists of six Read More
