Profil appartenant à Sangeetha VS

The Troublemakers Manifesto

The Troublemakers Manifesto:
A Design Colloquium

An academic conference that seeks to provoke inner dialogue of one's beliefs and to create a new paradigm shift through alternative viewpoints. Troublemakers often make others feel uncomfortable. They challenge the norm, they question establishments rules and the status quo. This tension is needed to break the monotony brought about by societal conformity to the diktats of those wielding influence.

To most people, troublemakers are not a welcome lot but without their disruptive tendencies - creating ripples and ruffling feathers - unspoken ideas will not be made known, and innovations will not come to pass.
Why do they do, what they do? What principles and values lie beneath their decisions and actions? Are you a troublemaker, if so what is your manifesto?
The idea of troublemakers stems from the experimental and disembodiment of design. To look underneath at the work that goes into generating design. To know ourselves as designers, we're busy 'bees' (the letter 'B' being replaced by an actual Bee), have an 'eye' for vision and our 'hands' that do all the manual work. We're consistently changing, growing in society. Also, using paper effects like torn pages and 'manifesto' hidden within amongst words.

For full ideation process click here
The Troublemakers Manifesto
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The Troublemakers Manifesto

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