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Catalan Architect Antoni Gaudí | Bookswagon

Catalan Architect Antoni Gaudí
Antoní Gaudí was a famous architect who is widely known for his genius and awe-inspiring style. He developed his own unique style which inspired numerous of his works that have survived time.

He was born in a Catalan village. As a child, he was inclined towards nature. He went to the army for compulsory military service when he was 23. However, due to his bad health he returned to study at Barcelona Higher School of Architecture.

He mainly studies geometry, engineering, and structures. Hai remarkable knowledge of structures helped him to design such fantastic buildings.

The work of Gaudí was influenced by a number of sources. First was the architectural style of the Orient. His works were heavily inspired by the Islamic and Asian architecture. He was also influenced by the Arts and Crafts movement and Revival Gothic architecture and inculcated it in his work to produce his own distinct style. He was a pioneer of Catalan Modernism.

Since he mostly lived and worked in Barcelona, most of his work is visible in that city. Four out of ten most visited places in Barcelona are monuments designed by Gaudí. They are as following: Casa Milà, Casa Battló, Casa Vicens, Colegio Teresiano de Barcelona, Park Güell, Palau Geüll, Colonia Güell, Torre Bellesguard, Casa Calvet, and sagrada familia. Seven of these buildings are declared UNESCO World Heritage Sites due to their significant role in the development of architecture over the last 200 years.

Around 1883, Gaudí was assigned his first residential project called Casa Vicens. It was originally supposed to be a summer home for the family of a financier named Manuel Vicens Montaner.

His other famous work Casa Milà stands tall in central Barcelona. It contains a pair of courtyards and two ovoid’s roof consists of groups of chimney pits with the shape of knight’s helmets. The breathtaking curves of the building give an impression to its viewers as if it is in a constant motion.

Gaudí worked most of his life on the most important project of his career, Sagrada Familia, or The Basilica and Expiatory church of the Holy Family. This famous building consists of double aisles, towers and a transept in the shape of a cross. Unfortunately, Gaudí was never able to finish it during his lifetime. A quarter of the building is still unfinished. It remains one of the most famous buildings of Spain and will likely remain so for years to come.

The architectural work of Gaudí demonstrates a wide range of textures and forms. His buildings were a totality which existed in perfect synchronisation with nature and its laws. His work has  greatly inspired modern architecture.

He met with an accident with a tram and died in 1926. However, his work remains timeless. His unique style and unconventional technique have eternalise his name in the field of architecture
Catalan Architect Antoni Gaudí | Bookswagon

Catalan Architect Antoni Gaudí | Bookswagon
