Um pedido de um colega de trabalho foi o ponto de partida para a criação dessa logo. Ele estava prestes a abrir seu próprio negócio e já tinha tudo em mente. Após as primeiras sugestões de logo ele teve a ideia de sugerir a gueixa na canoa e fui logo em busca das referências. Na época fiz apenas a logo e ele cuidou de pensar nas aplicações, faço aqui apenas para compor o projeto, mas pude acompanhar pelas redes e pelos relatos dele o sucesso do empreendimento na época.

A request from a co-worker was the starting point for creating this logo. He was about to start his own business and had everything in mind. After the first suggestions of logo, he had the idea to suggest the geisha in the canoe and I immediately went in search of references. At the time I just did the logo and he took care of thinking about the applications, I do it here just to compose the project, but I was able to follow the success of the venture at the time through his networks and his reports.

Photo 01: Imagem de @kevinlefriser por Pixabay
Photo 02: Imagem deFree-Photos por Pixabay

Logo Kanoa Sushi Restô

Logo Kanoa Sushi Restô
