Edwin Lau's profile

The Wrath of Mankind

The Wrath of Mankind:
An Explosive Ordnance Manual
This is a school project done in Glasgow School of Art (Singapore). In project 3, we are given the topic: An Alternative Typographic Manual. We were given three different manuals; the Haynes Manual, Rewiring Your Home manual and a Cookbook. Students were tasked to breakdown and reconstruct a typographic manual.
Among the three, I've chosen to explore the Haynes Manual. In my exploration, I've looked into two other manuals. From them, I've extracted their characteristics and similarities.
With the characteristics and similarities at hand, I thought of what was opposite of mechanical and something that is tangible. Feelings, thoughts, emotions, visions, imagination, dreams, etc are things that are intangible.
With the concept of combining what's tangible and mechanical with what's intangible and non-mechanical, I've resulted in adding Ammunition, Explosives and Personality. As a result, a manual about different categories of anger in the context of ammunitions and explosives happened.
To make the project look complete, three complimentary posters are added.
The Wrath of Mankind

The Wrath of Mankind

Glasgow School of Art (Singapore), Project 3: An Alternative Typographic Manual.
