Animation Reel
Digital Work
Here are some of my original characters — Theo, a member of a secret organization (left); Kieran, a college student who can see ghosts (top right); Dwyn, a siren who loves collecting sea crystals (bottom right).
The Orange Tree Project is a year-long mentorship project between SislerCREATE, Nickelodeon Studios, and Nickelodeon Community Efforts (NiCE). Nick Community Efforts focuses on promoting Arts education through mentorships and connecting students with people in the industry. 

From September 2020 until May 2021, I was a member of Yam Jam Animations, one of the three groups under the Orange Tree Project. Yam Jam Animation's film is called "Grim Companion". Though I consider being a rough and clean-up animator as my main roles in the team, I also worked on outlining backgrounds during the layout-animation phase, and coloured beat boards during the beat board phase. Above are some beats that I have coloured.
Traditional Artwork
This art piece is called "Serenity". It was commissioned for a family friend who wanted a personal-made painting done to hang in their new home.
The painting took approximately two months from start to finish. I started working on this piece near the start of July 2021, and finished it on August 30, 2021. In the photo I was referencing from, the cheery blossom trees were a bright pink, but she requested to make the trees white instead to go along with the overall cool colour scheme of their home. 
This painting was definitely a learning experience for me, as I have only done portrait paintings until I started working on this piece. It took a lot of trial and error to get the textural aspects of the piece to a point I was satisfied with, but after finally completing the painting, I can be glad to say that the extra time to experiment with textures was worth it.
Sketches and Studies
One-point perspective study done on Storyboard Pro.
Graphic Design
"This is Sisler" was the first piece I created for my Graphics class, where we were tasked to take pictures of things around the school that represented how we saw the school. My collage shows Sisler as seen through my eyes: a place of learning, diversity and acceptance, and place where the arts are supported and appreciated.
On the right is my poster submission for Sisler's Dance and Jazz Band Christmas concert in 2019, "Jump, Jingle, and Jive," which was chosen to promote the event.
Creative Portfolio


Creative Portfolio
