With Innocent Hand | Branding Design


With Innocent Hand is a brave and groundbreaking project created by a group of crazy and experienced coffee practitioners.

The inspiration of branding design originated from an art thief . With Innocent Hand is a project more than about coffee online subscription platform, it is about the way to reach good things, and the attitude of treating your life.

With Innocent Hand清白之手是一个精品咖啡订阅平台,致力于为消费者搜寻全球优质咖啡豆。清白之手的品牌建立灵感源于客户提出的充满传奇色彩的“艺术大盗”。经过整合思考,我们认为品牌像一只“看不见的手”,拥有“大盗”的挑剔迅捷,“艺术”的疯狂极致,以及“匠人”的执着专注,其中包含着高尚之白与罪责之黑、狂热之红和克制之简的对立。由此出发,persons完成了清白之手的品牌定位/命名/理念/标识/标语/故事/包装/周边/视觉手册/UI设计等在内的一整套品牌建立。

Design Director 设计指导:Peter Bian
Graphic Design 视觉设计:Peter Bian , Jianbin Hu​​​​​​​
Copy 文案:Fanglin Chen
Event: 其实九思 Cheers

With Innocent Hand | Branding Design