Agnieszka Jarosz's profile

Visual re-identification for a Rehabilitation Center

Custom-made visual re-identification for a rehabilitation office, based on the patent description of the company's logo, along with mockup visualizations of its functioning
in space on products such as: business cards, T-shirts, banners, pins. 
Reidentyfikacja wizualna wykonana na zamówienie dla gabinetu rehabilitacyjnego,
w oparciu o opis patententowy firmowego logo, wraz z wizualizacjami
jej funkcjonowania w przestrzeni na produktach takich jak:
wizytówki, koszulki, bannery, przypinki.

Before and after with guidelines.
Mockup set of business card designs.
Mockup set of billboards.
Mockup set of fence banners.
Mockup set of wall signs.
Mockup set of T-shirts.
Mockup set of pins.
And below bunch of projects that I did so customer could see
 the spectrum of graphic and geometric posibilities.
We agreed to stick with the simpler option, based strictly
on the original design.
A ponizej kilka projektów, które zrobilam, aby klient mógl zobaczyc
spektrum mozliwosci graficznych i geometrycznych.
Zgodzilismy sie pozostac przy prostszej opcji, scisle opartej
na oryginalnym projekcie.

Visual re-identification for a Rehabilitation Center

Visual re-identification for a Rehabilitation Center
