"Mmm..." is a house designed for a family of three: a father, a mother, and their youngest child. The father has limited mobility due to a past mild stroke, and the mother runs a jajan pasar (traditional snack) business at home. This design utilises the aroma from jajan pasar production to form a social cycle, gathering the inhabitants. It also opens up the opportunities for interaction potentials with thesurrounding environment, as the inside-outside social cycle). Bending surfaces become the main tectonic identity for this design: horizontally, by adjusting the height of space proportion for airflow regulation, diffusing the aroma throughout the house through the stack ventilation effect; and vertically, by eliminating angles to create lateral surfaces, resulting in a perception of spaciousness and a fluid-like transition. This tectonic identity is integrated with a straightforward program, creating a simple yet intriguing experience.