When you hear that name, you likely ask yourself, ‘why?!’ I did too, but the number of requests could not be ignored. Once I finally decided to move forward with it, the only way to solve the offering would be to adhere to the same theme of indulgence, I planned for the same number of optical weights AND Italics. Yeah, italic stencils… ok, why not? It’s not a new concept. One thing to note and a creative liberty I assumed during the design. Lust Stencil would not be just a redaction or removal of stress to produce a quick stencil. To do that, would just be a cheap solution. Strokes had to resolve themselves correctly and/or uniquely to the concept of the stencil format. And, it had to be heftier. For it it to look correctly, it needed about 8% additional mass to the strokes for it to retain the effervescent flow of the curves and the resolute scalloped lachrymals

Lust Stencil

Lust Stencil
