Spirea Wangutta
Deciduous ornamental shrub of the Rose family. A hybrid between Cantonese spiraea and three-lobed spiraea. 

An interesting fact: Due to its resistance to various pollutants, it can be planted near industrial enterprises, along highways and city streets.
Violet tricolor
Herbaceous annual or biennial plant, common in Europe and temperate regions of Asia; a species of the genus Violet of the Violet family.

Interesting fact: Wild pansies are used in traditional and folk medicine as a remedy for many diseases: scrofula, dryness, cough, hernia, toothache and many others. Its medicinal properties (as well as similar properties of many other representatives of the family) are explained by the presence of saponin, inulin, violin and other glycosides in all parts of the plant.
Apple trees
An obsolete taxon that was previously considered as a subfamily or family of plants in the Rosaceae. It was characterized by a fruit consisting of five capsules in a fleshy endocarp surrounded by stem tissue, and a haploid chromosome number of 17.

Interesting fact: In the Russian lands, the cultural apple tree first appeared in the XI century in the monastery gardens of Kievan Rus; thus, under Yaroslav the Wise (in 1051), an apple orchard was laid, later known as the garden of the Kiev Pechersk Lavra. In the XVI century, the apple tree appeared in the northern regions of Russia
A genus of perennial plants from the Asteraceae family. The natural range of the genus is Europe, the Mediterranean countries. There are 14 species.

Numerous garden varieties of daisies belong mostly to the species of perennial Daisy (Bellis perennis), which is usually cultivated as a biennial plant.
The varieties are divided into two groups:
ligulosa-the heads consist only of ligulate flowers
fistulosa-the heads consist of long-tube, but not yellow, flowers.

Daisies are grown in gardens on any good soil. Large-colored varieties of daisies usually do not tolerate severe frosts, so they should be sheltered for the winter. Old specimens begin to degenerate and bloom with simple flowers, and therefore they should be dug out and divided into several parts; it is best to perform this operation in the summer, after flowering.
Lilac bush
A genus of shrubs belonging to the Olive family. The genus includes about thirty species distributed in a wild state in South-Eastern Europe and in Asia, mainly in China.

Interesting fact: The lilac received its generic name in honor of one of the characters of ancient Greek mythology — the naiad Syringa.
A genus of perennial herbaceous plants of the Aster family, or Compound flowers.

The scientific generic name of the plant comes from Lat. solidus is strong, healthy, according to its medicinal properties, and the species name is from Lat. virga-rod and lat. aureus is golden (in the color of the flowers in the inflorescence), that is, a golden branch, which fully corresponds to the trivial Russian name — the golden rod.

Annenkov N. I. in the Botanical Dictionary (1878), in an article about the common goldenrod, gives the following vernacular and book names used in different localities of Russia, indicating the place where these names occur, and the persons who recorded these names in print or in writing, as well as the names of this plant that existed among different peoples who lived in Russia, and names in German, French and English.
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