Vsmart Star 5 
Client : Vsmart
Photo : Phương Nam
Art direction : Việt Nguyễn
Miniature Props: Thanh Phan
Stylist: Hồng Anh

A small shooting project for Vsmart Star 5, the concept built with 4 groups
  Office, Student, Techride, Worker 
Vsmart star 5  is a product with an affordable price for anyone.
4 sets use miniature props and minimalist background but still transfer full enough content for each KV.
I've joined as a miniature artist for this project. The timeline is super rush , my mission must be to complete everything in 1 week. Finally, with all my effort and passion, I could finish them.
Office Set
Worker Set
Student Set
Techride Set
Vsmart 5 concept
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Vsmart 5 concept

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