Walking aids products, canes and crutches are part of the senior's material universe and bring not only support for locomotion but also activate complex subjectivation processes, evoke aspirations linked to culture, massification, and symbolic values. Moreover, there is a significant lack of investigations in the field of Design that problematize the relationship between the elder and the stigmas associated with walking aids. In this current scenario, the walking aids do not always offer an ideal of comfort and safety, as well as carry a stigmatizing medical-hospital aesthetic.
Concept: The main contribution of this project was to detect and overcome the stigma of walking aids for the elderly population and improve the quality of mobility, providing personalization and emotional connection between the equipment and the senior subject. The concept of the covers was based on 5 characteristics selected according to the group of seniors in the field  research. In the next step was developed and validated Walk-ID Project (Anti-Stigma Covers) using 3D printing technology.
From top to bottom: strong (black), elegant (white), sexy (red), light (blue) and the happy (yellow).
Brand: The packaging were designed according to the concept of the five covers. Thus, it was decided to view the product inside the packaging, placing them and highlighting the colors in contrast to the white of the box:
Thesis for: Rodrigues, Y. W. (2021). Design para o envelhecimento: a dimensão simbólica na superação do estigma em equipamentos de auxílio. Tese (Doutorado em Design), Departamento de Comunicação e Arte, Universidade de Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal. Retrieved from: http://hdl.handle.net/10773/31545

Exhibition: Project selected in the "Challenge 2020: Diseño para los Mayores", 7ª Bienal Iberoamericano de Diseño (BID), Madrid - Espanha.  Retrieved from: https://challenge.bid-dimad.org/proyecto/diseno-y-estigma-baston-personalizado-para-personas-mayores/

Support: Programa  de  Pós-Graduação  em  Design da Universidade de Aveiro - Instituto  de Investigação em Design, Média e Cultura (ID+), IDIoT.LAB, Centro de Dia e Lar Patronato, American  Corner and Fundação  para  Ciência  e  a  Tecnologia  (FCT).

Advisors: Luís Nuno Dias e Ana Veloso I DeCA - UA.
Walk ID - Dress your cane!


Walk ID - Dress your cane!

Walking aids products, such as canes and crutches, are part of the senior's material universe and bring not only support for locomotion but also Развернуть
