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Risky driving behaviour of three wheel drivers

Risky driving behaviour of three wheel drivers

In most parts of Sri Lanka, road traffic injuries are one of the most persistent public health issues, resulting in significant human and economic costs, especially among three-wheelers. Sri Lanka's traffic is crowded. Driving is perilous due to narrow two-lane roadways, heavy trucks, badly driven buses, and a wide range of vehicles on the road, ranging from ox carts and bicycles to new four-wheel-drive vehicles.

Getting around is difficult since cars, buses, and three-wheelers are all jostling for space. The first rule to remember for any three-wheel driver is to stick to the rules. The issue is that there aren't any.  Even if there were any strict rules, three-wheel drivers are too stubborn to acknowledge them, and mainly focus on getting hired to meet their daily wage, or on purchasing three-wheel tyres online in Sri Lanka.

Three-wheel racing is a leading cause of serious accidents. Young people pass the driving test but fail to apply what they have learned. The majority of difficulties are created by three-wheeler and motorcycle drivers who do not comprehend the rules of the road. Some three-wheeler drivers fail to use the vehicle's signal lights and overtake on the incorrect side.

Motorcycle riders, sometimes with passengers riding pillion, are the most frequent offenders of traffic laws and are responsible for the most fatalities, followed by three-wheeler drivers and their passengers. Many three-wheel drivers don’t purchase the proper set of tyres online or on the market, leading to many casualties. Policemen and traffic officers have complained about three-wheel drivers making their jobs more difficult, as they have the responsibility of avoiding any form of rule breaking.

With over 800,000 three-wheelers on the roadways, policing trishaw drivers has become a difficult task. According to police data, the majority of accidents occur on long sections of straight roads where the driver loses concentration and is more likely to fall asleep behind the wheel.

Risky driving behaviour of three wheel drivers
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Risky driving behaviour of three wheel drivers

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