Choices and Decisions
Mikey and Roger Thomas were brothers who grew up in two separate worlds.
Roger had the benefit of growing up in America living with his Mother and Father, while Mikey grew up in the rough rural area of Jamaica with his Mom, Grandmother and his younger cousin John-John. While Roger was attending private schools in America, Mikey’s education was mainly working and trying to help his Mom and Grandmother put food on the table. The area that Mikey grew up in isn’t the nice resorts and beautiful beaches of Jamaica that you see the commercial tempting you to come down to visit. Where he grew up there was no running water, people lived in two room houses with one room being a bedroom and the other room a sitting area.
The kitchens were usually detached from the home and were shared by several neighbors; the bathrooms or outhouses were located at the back of the home and there was no light so using it at night was an adventure; fighting of mosquitoes and other wilds of the night would make you hold whatever was in your system until morning. Mikey
was a four years older than Roger, their father also named Roger had met Mikey’s mom while doing business in Jamaica. Roger Sr. was born and raised in Jamaica but had left when he was thirteen and only came back to visit his family and to attend to family business.
Roger Sr. and Mikey’s mother weren’t involved in any relationship; they had met at a local bar and instant chemistry that led to a night of passion that produced Mikey. Even though Roger Sr. lived in America he made sure to send money every month for Mikey; he even visited Jamaica twice a year to check on Mikey. When Roger
Jr. was born Roger Sr. called Mikey and told him he was going to be a brother. “Little man,” he said, “You’re a big brother now, how does that sound?” Mikey only four at the time didn’t know what to make of it. He replied, “Ok daddy, when will I see him?” Roger Sr. laughed and said “Real soon.” But soon was four years later, when the brothers first met. It was awkward, Mikey was 8 and Roger Jr. was only 4 so they really didn’t understand what was taking place.
Even at this young of an age Roger Sr. wanted the two boys to understand that they were brothers and even though they lived miles apart they should always look out for one another. “Look, my lil’ men,” Roger Sr. said as he bought them close to one another, “You guys are brothers and should always look out and take care of the other one.” Not really understanding what was going on and just wanting the approval of their father the young boys both replied “Yes Daddy.” The boys would only see each a few times after their initial meeting; Roger Jr. would come down to Jamaica with his Dad on visits and would see Mikey their bond would grow through visits and constant communication like email, phone calls or regular old mail.
But the regular visits would come to a stop and it would be some years before the boys would see each other again, in fact the next they would see each other is when Roger Jr. was bringing his Dad’s body back to Jamaica to be buried on the family’s land. The last time the brothers saw each other they were around 16 and 12 and about twelve years had passed since they last laid eyes on one another. Roger Jr. had told
Mikey about their Father’s death through an email but didn’t included when he was bringing down the body. Mikey grew concerned and decided to give Roger Jr. a call. “Hello,” Mikey said, “R.J.? Is that you?” Roger Jr. looked at the phone and was surprised
by the phone call. “Yeah Mikey it’s me,” he replied, “What’s going on big bro? I’m surprised you called.”
Mikey with a little concern in his voice answered back “You never told me when you was coming down, no date or time.” Roger sucked his teeth and replied, “Oh shit, my fault I’ll be there in a week.” Mikey feeling a little better said, “Cool, you need me to
pick you up from the airport?” Roger Jr. started laughing, “Of course Mikey, who else would I expect to pick up me and Daddy.” Roger Jr. went ahead and gave Mikey the rest of the details and all the information he was going to need to meet him at the airport. As soon as Mikey got off the phone he started making plans with his Mom and Grandmother about the arrival of his younger brother. “Ma, I just got off the phone with R.J,” he screamed across the little home he still shared with his Mother, “He’s bringing down Daddy’s body in one week.”
His mother Karen was lying down in her room when she heard all the excitement “Alright, alright Mikey so why so much noise?” she replied. “I want you to cook up some good food for when my little brother come,” Mikey yelled back. “You acting like the King of England is coming down to our little island,” Mikey mother answered back. Mikey ignored her sarcasm and started making a list of all the things he was going to need with the arrival of his brother. “I know we’re keeping a big funeral, just family but I want to make sure everything is perfect for R.J. and the family,” Mikey said unto himself. “Mikey you worry to much, ya know,” John-John said as he walked into the house from working out in the yard all day. “Cousin why you always in my business,” Mikey shouted back, “My brother, Daddy and his family coming down I just want them to feel right at home.”
John-John shook his head and answered back “Home? Cuz that boy don’t know nothing about home, he hasn’t been back to JA in years. Bout home.” Mikey grew frustrated with the way his younger cousin was acting. All Mikey cared about was seeing his younger brother and burying their Father in their family plot. “John-John, I don’t know why you hate my brother, what has he ever done to you?” Mikey yelled back at John-John. “Its not what he has done to me, it’s what he hasn’t done for you,” he replied back, “You so in love with your little brother but what has he done to help you?” Mikey shook his head and walked to the front porch of the house to finish off his list.
Meanwhile back in New York Roger Jr. was making sure everything was in line for his trip to Jamaica. He had to make sure all the proper paperwork was in place. Just while he was going over his passport and ticket information his phone rang. “R.J.,” his mother Carole greeted him, “You have everything in place?” Roger Jr. answered back “Yes Mama, I just got off the phone with Mikey and everything is set.” His mother grumbled a little bit and said “Mikey and his country family from up in the hills, I hope you told him I’m not stepping foot into that old run down house of theirs.” Roger Jr. shook his head “No Mom I didn’t tell Mikey that, I don’t want any drama when we head down there,” he said. “Whatever,” she replied, “I don’t like those damn country people and they don’t like me, they can kiss my ass!”
Roger’s Mother and Mikey’s mother never got along, Roger’s Mom Cynthia felt Mikey’s Mom was a user. She felt Karen used Roger Sr. for his money and never wanted to work for anything. Cynthia would always curse Karen and when Roger Sr. and Junior would go down to Jamaica she would rarely go with them and the times that she would
go she would never visit with Karen. But Karen was actually the total opposite of what
Cynthia thought.
Karen was hard working, especially around her home. She was helping her Mother out in the field were they grew their own vegetables and even raised a few small animals. In her spare time Karen would read, she would read anything she could get hands on. She would borrow neighbors’ books, steal their old newspapers and if she could get her hands some magazines that would make her day. Her favorite magazine was Time; she loved reading about things going in the world even if it was old news it just fascinated her.
Cynthia on the other hand her family was well off. Her father was fisherman who turned his small fishing business into a major power along the coasts of Jamaica. He had gone from being small time fisherman to opening numerous businesses along the beaches. He had hotels, bars, rental shops and restaurants. So being that her father was such a successful businessman she always had the best things, went to the best schools and was always at the major functions. Cynthia always looked down on the people from the country and people that actually used their hands for a living. Which is quite compelling since her father started out as a fisherman.
Roger Jr. knew how his mother was and always tried to be a mediator between Karen and his Mom. He actually liked Karen and respected her, he knew about trying to better herself by reading and he would send Mikey books for her. But Mikey never told anyone about those little things Roger would do and Karen didn’t like talking about it too much. So when John-John would talk about his brother he would just brush it off. “Man
if only he knew,” Mikey said to himself, “John-John always talking shit looking for a
hand out.” While Mikey was outside continuing working on his list of things he wanted to have done by the time Roger Jr. came down his Grandmother Claire came outside to catch a breath of fresh air. “Mikey what you out here fussing about,” she spoke softly. “Nothing Grandma…. Roger Jr. coming down to bury Daddy,” he replied looking up at her frail frame, “He should be here in about a week.”
Claire was strong woman for 90 years old and had seen everything you could think and even though she was getting on in her years she her she had a sound mind and could move around on her own, even though it was small movements she was still able to get along. “That’s good you get to see ya brother and his crazy ass family,” she chuckled. Mikey laughed right along with her, he knew exactly who she was talking about.
Grandma Claire walked back inside humming, “I’m going to bed young man, don’t stress yourself over things you can’t control.”
Mikey decided to call it a night as he walked to the back he passed John-John who was in the living room rolling up a ganja cigarette (spliff). “That’s your damn problem John-John,” Mikey yelled at him, “Burning out your damn brain cells.” John-John laughed, “Go to ya bed lil’ boy, keep dreaming about you little brother the savior.” Mikey stepped closely to John-John and looked him squarely in his face, “If you say one more thing about my brother Grandma will have one less grandson to worry about.” John-John lite up his spliff took a deep pull and blew the smoke into Mikey’s face. “You making threats you know you can’t carry through…coward,” he said as he walked passed Mikey. John-John walked out the house to finish smoking and Mikey just stared him down as he walked outside.
Things weren’t going any easier for Roger Jr. either, not only was his Mother giving him a hard time but some of his Father’s business partners were riding him. They knew Roger Jr. was next in line to take over his Father’s affairs and they wanted to see where his head was at and to see if he was ready to step into such a major role. Roger’s mind wasn’t there for business he was focused on getting his Father to Jamaica and making things run as smooth as possible.
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