Jessica Earnhardt 的個人檔案

ADHD Infographics and Exhibit

ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder—meaning there are deficits in the brain—and it affects over 5% of the world, often accompanied by a slew of coexisting conditions. ADHD does not influence intelligence, but it can have a great impact on how that intelligence is perceived, since it affects a persons ability to regulate attention and emotions, which results in hyperactivity, impulsivity, and organizational problems.
This condition comes under a lot of scrutiny, with critics questioning whether it actually exists or if it's a lack of motivation, willpower, or bad parenting—none of which is true. 
A brain with ADHD will have dysregulation of the dopamine system, which may mean having too little dopamine, not enough receptors for it, or the dopamine is not being used efficiently.

It can be hard to convey what it feels like to have ADHD, even without having a coexisting condition, so this conceptual design for an interactive museum exhibition aims to educate people using both statistics and artistic renderings of the realities of life with this disorder.

ADHD Infographics and Exhibit


ADHD Infographics and Exhibit
