Profil Asmita Bal

Social Animated Banners Ad- Urgency

Social Animated Banner Ad
The hypothesis of this brief was URGENCY.

The objective was to get people use the Food Delivery App more often, or, to download it. To do that, we must first break their habits and patterns. Right now consumers are perhaps jaded seeing videos and images of food from various sources. What we need to do is to make them stop and re-engage with the Food Delivery App as more than just a delivery service. We can do this by injecting a sense of urgency. It can be in the form of a challenge, or in the form of a friendly STOP sign. We want to remind consumers that mealtimes are important and give them an opportunity to use it to their benefit.
Social Animated Banners Ad- Urgency


Social Animated Banners Ad- Urgency
