Reversable renewal notice I designed for Plazm magazine.
I conceptualized and designed this renewal notice for Plazm magazine. "The time has come to recycle your subscription" was copy that I suggested, but was dropped from the final. The idea here was the mailer was "recyclable", but not in the conventional sense; it could be re-used by simply folding it inside-out and taping or stapling it with the payment inside and sending it back to the magazine--so there was no waste, or trash on the subscriber's side (if they chose to renew, that is)!
This is a postcard I designed for the local Portland newspaper Willamette Week's Personals section. It was an invitation to a pre-Valentines day dance party hosted by Pepe and the Bottle Blondes. I substituted Cupid for the Bottle Blondes in the promotional photo here for a humorous twist.
This is a postcard I designed for a company focused on providing environmentally friendly supplies solutions. I also designed the logo.
This is one of the postcards I produced for Carnegie Hall, being a more economical four-up, fitting four different acts and dates on one announcement.


These are some mailers I have done for various companies. Concept is always the starting point in design here.
