Profil appartenant à Carolyn Boucher

Project 2 - Awkward yearbook

Awkward Yearbook 
Creating a poster that brings out the 80s vibe while living in 2021.

I did my research from the fashion style to the font they used and what colors screams 'the 80s'. A link to that is here :
Before creating the poster, we had to sketch. But, I couldn't think of anything at that time, except for the one below, which has nothing to do with the final product.
Other than that, I could not think of anything and that's when I realize I was having creative block. So, instead of wasting time, I just opened illustrator and went with the flow. I just let my hand to take the lead. 
This was the final product.
Project 2 - Awkward yearbook
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Project 2 - Awkward yearbook

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