Digital Eye Strain
In this digital age, a large majority of people spend between 2 to 14 hours in front of the computer a day.
Because of this, many have developed computer vision syndrome and there have been more than 10million visits to the eye doctors for symptoms like eye fatigue, eye strain and headaches, just to name a few.
Observation & Research 
Eye fatigue accounts for 65% of these visits and it is a sure sign that we have to start taking better care of our eyes.
Hence, we started observing people working at their workspaces, and we realised that their hands/elbows are always in contact with the edge of the table, be it for work at the computer or not. 
While doing our research, we also came across a study by Carnegie Mellon, recommending 10 minutes of rest for every hour of work.
And a particular finding about how physical human behaviours could be changed with technology interested us as well.
Tying all these together, we arrived at a concept; a friendly and intuitive time-based physical advisor that reminds you to rest your eyes.

Concept & Product
Your gentle and friendly reminder.
A short clip showing how BOB works.
BOB is a unit, consisting of three parts: 
1. a wireless BOB 
2. SIlicon Band, with a capacitive touch sensor in it
3. Touch Extender strip
4. Dock with induction charging (not shown below)
BOB is wired here as a prototype only. The actual unit is wireless.
The mechanism behind BOB is an algorithm that controls a servo that moves with the counterweight after a certain amount of time, causing BOB to rock.
A look at the mechanism inside BOB.
An overview of the parts in BOB.
Compacted version of the parts in BOB.


With our lives becoming more and more digitalised, we tend to face digital screens everyday for a long period of time, be it for work or leisure. Se mer
