ellyn bordoshuks profil

full circle: party in a box

Full Circle is a bitmap typeface that I created that utilizes various-sized circles as its building blocks. The project was an exploration of modular type—letterforms built using a limited palette of set elements. In stark contrast to traditional bitmap typefaces, Full Circle embodies a feminine and artistic feel through its script typeface.
The typeface has a bubbly quality, reminiscent of champagne which inspired my application. The “party in a box” kit includes wearables, confetti, and noisemakers. A host sends the kit to those not able to attend in order for them to still participate in the festivities. While these kits feature New Year’s Eve and Cinco de Mayo, they can be adapted for endless types of celebrations. 
Graphics for the kit center around the typeface and a custom pattern in various scales. The Full Circle bitmap typeface can be downloaded for use here.
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full circle: party in a box

full circle: party in a box

"party in a box" kit utilizing a custom typeface.


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