MOCHI LEE's profile


MOUSE STORE︱鼠人士多 三维角色设计
MOUSE STORE 3D Character Design
Personal graduation project

Design background and theme


In the past, the Internet media called the "rat people" who lived in big cities. In today's Internet environment, words such as "rat people" and "migrant workers" have entered the language system of young people, expressing the self mocking attitude of young people under the pressure of life. They are also slogans for young people to keep warm and seek self comfort. Today's young people have a bold critical spirit and love to pursue fashion. They often buy trendy toys to please their spiritual life. In the current popular trend of IP culture market, IP image design is constantly applied to various cultural communication and commercial fields.


This graduation project takes "Rat Man" as the theme, and creates four positive and optimistic IP images of rat man with different morphological attributes, as well as the role scenes of cyberpunk and fantasy Wonderland style and a series of derivative cultural and creative products. Through CG rendering and 3D printing of physical models, the image of rat man is depicted more intuitively and concretely. The multi role design of rat people aims to gain the sense of identity and belonging of young people by four roles of cute, beautiful, trendy and cool, trying to make the social groups who call themselves "rat people" eliminate the sense of inferiority brought by derogatory labels, and bring them optimistic energy and equal care. At the same time, the MOUSE STORE role design of rat personage also creates basic visual assets for the future MOUSE STORE-cultural creative brand of rat personage.

Role world outlook setting

本作品一共设计 4 个鼠人角色,每个角色的设定背后都映射了真实的社会现象,笔者借此表达对未来社会发展的思考与想象。此外,鼠人角色设计借用了主机游戏《CYBERPUNK2077》的赛博朋克世界观,从现代社会逐渐发展为赛博朋克社会的过程中,笔者截取其中某一时间点,将其定义为“半赛博朋克社会”。在半赛博朋克社会中,人口结构、环境污染、通货膨胀、贫富差距、阶层歧视等历史遗留问题仍然没有得到改善,几乎所有人都生活在巨大的压力之中。随着社会的发展,一小部分人类逐渐演化成为了鼠人。其中一群佼佼者成立了一个鼠人组织,名为“MOUSE STORE 鼠人士多"。鼠人士多是鼠人社会组织,鼠人组织的信条是反压迫、反剥削,向往在强者与弱者之间取得某种平衡机制,追求更公平的社会环境。

In this work, a total of 4 rat man characters are designed, and the setting of each character reflects the real social phenomenon. The author uses this to express his thinking and imagination about the future social development. In addition, the design of rat and man characters borrows the cyberpunk world view of the host game cyberpunk2077. In the process of gradually developing from a modern society to a cyberpunk society, the author intercepts a certain time point and defines it as "semi cyberpunk society". In the semi cyberpunk society, the problems left over by history, such as population structure, environmental pollution, inflation, the gap between the rich and the poor, class discrimination and so on, have not been improved, and almost all people are living under great pressure. With the development of society, a small number of human beings have gradually evolved into mouse man. Among them, a group of outstanding people set up a mousemon organization called MOUSE STORE. MOUSE STORE are social organizations of rat people, whose creed is anti oppression and anti exploitation. They yearn for a certain balance mechanism between the strong and the weak, and pursue a fairer social environment.


