Wes McDermott sin profil

Tank Train Wagon

Substance 3D Painter
Substance 3D Stager
For this project, I used Substance 3D Assets to quickly create a 3D scene. https://substance3d.adobe.com/assets. The goal was to use a Substance Material and a 3D asset to construct a 3D scene within just a few hours. The following assets were used in this project. 

For the track material, I importer it into Substance Designer and used the height texture to export a tessellated base mesh. I then used that base mesh to build out the tracks.  
Again, I used the height data from the Substance material to apply a "micro" displacement layer for small details such as the pebbles and stone cracks. This provided a level of detail that I didn't capture in the exported mesh from Designer. This layer of displacement also provides shadowing for small elements like the pebbles. 
Substance Painter was used for texturing of the tank train. Once the textures were completed, I used the Sent To Stager function to send the mesh and materials to Stager. 
In Substance Stager, I assembled the scene and produced the render. The concrete walkway and light post are Starter Assets that ship with Stager. For the lighting, I used a simple HDR that is also available in the Starter Assets. 
Post work was done in Photoshop. For the background plate, I photographed an empty field down the street from my house. 
Tank Train Wagon

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Tank Train Wagon

3D rendering of a tank train wagon
