Airmax 97
At school, we have done a shoe with maya and renderman. But when school ends, I decide to learn blender! at the same time, @whitybeats, a super music producer, contact me because he wanted to work with me, and this is how the project started!
Process Breakdown
1// the schoolwork
First, I model the shoe and texture it, with some variant, this is the part that I have done for school
2// pre-production
I find a lot of super studios like panoply, tendril, and I really want to do something like that. So, I started to do some experimental shots while learning blender
3//first montage
After have enough visual ideas and cool pictures, I started a first montage only with evee render for tweak timing and camera movement
When I was happy with the montage, I start to render all the shots with cycle During this step @whitybeats worked with the montage on the music
5//post production
Then with after effect I played with contrast, optic flares and glow for put my shots to the next level
Bonus cut scene !
Here there is some stuff that I doesn’t use in the final out put
Thank for watching !
Airmax 97

Airmax 97
