In this project, carried out during confinement due to the Covid-19 pandemic, students were asked to photograph elements present in their area of ​​residence.

The photographed elements fall into 12 categories:
1 - risks
2 - flat geometric shapes
3 - monocolor elements isolated on white/black or neutral backgrounds
4 - elements with geometric shapes in perspective on neutral backgrounds
5 - letters, abstract words, technical terms and/or isolated references in different elements
6 - grids 
7 - facades
8 - element dysfunctions
9 - textures/organic stains on flat/curved elements
10 - objects out of context
11 - notion of plan intersection
12 - shadows

After capturing the photographs, a Best Of was chosen, and then converted to Grayscale and Threshold. In the threshold conversions, the main objective was to choose only parts of the photographs, in which they became practically unidentifiable. Vectorizations were made of some photographs, simplifying the shapes.
Exercise 2

Performed in an A3 format horizontally.

a) Only color images (1 sheet A3)
b) Using color images + PB + Threshold (1 sheet A3)
a) and b) must have different designs. Only 3 scales - 1 base size, smallest. The second must be double the first and the third triple the first. The scale was
 based on the grid provided.~

The images were used and was drawn a visual narrative of the neighbourhood or area where the photographic records were taken. The representation of the geographical area does not have to be precise but psycho geographic. Areas with areas of importance, buildings, or architectural marks, that they deem relevant, were highlighted.

Exercise 3

Carried out in A3 format horizontally.
2 courses, one on each A3.

Used only threshold and grayscale vectors and images. Background color was assigned in the case of grayscale and threshold images. Vectors can have color.
The scale is based on the grid provided.

Two color versions:
1) Only in black
2) 3 Riso colors - black, green, fluo pink.

It is a route diagram of the area where the photos were taken. This scheme was made using vector drawing. It only has a line weight, either for frames, strokes, arrows, etc.
The route can be imagined or even fictional.

Note: The route should not try to be trustworthy but speculative, is the mental idea of ​​it. The most important thing will be that it creates a kind of schematic - psycho-geographical narrative out of it.

Exercise 4

At this stage of the project, it was to choose 6 vector shapes (it was not necessary to be the entire vector composition).

On the first grid, threshold images.
In the second grid, color images.
On the third grid, images in RISO colors (black and gold).

These shapes were used to make compositions on a 6x3 grid.



A project developed during confinement due to the Covid-19 pandemic. It involves photography, editing, vector and composition. Mockup Contact Pr Další informace
