Pablo KerlleƱevich's profile

Infinito - IDs

Motion Graphics
This are IDs for Turner'sĀ channel Infinito. The idea was to show how awesome simple things can be by seeing them through the channel's own perspective. My work was modeling, render, animation and compositing of the following material.Ā Hope you enjoy it!
"InfinitoĀ IDs" Performed by Turner InJaus for Argentina.
Creative Director: Diego Fernandez
Art Director: Paulo Santonocito
3DĀ (Model/Light/Texture), Animation and Compositing: Pablo KerlleƱevich
Los siguientes son concepts para un ID que empezarĆ­a mostrando una escena sangrienta en unĀ asesinato y finalmente develarĆ­a que se trata de una copa de vino. Experimentando con Real Flow.
The following concepts show a bloody murder scene that turns to be a harmlessĀ glass of wine. Ā Done some experimenting with Real Flow.
ID Vaso y agua //Ā Water & Glass
En este ID cuando un vaso al impactar con unaĀ mesa, el agua y el lĆ­quido se transformaban en el material opuesto.
Y si los fideos cobraran vida al ser tocados por el logo? .... delirio, pero me gustĆ³ como quedĆ³ el pic
ID - CĆ­rculo // Circle
El concepto empezĆ³ siendo un area circular siguiendo la forma del logo,Ā donde lo "increible" sucedia. Lo grĆ”fico podĆ­a convertirse en real, los liquidos podĆ­an ser sĆ³lidos, todo lo insesperadoĀ podĆ­a pasar.
The concept started as a logo shaped circular area that defined where the "amazing" things will happen. 2D patterns became real, liquid became solid, reallyĀ anything could happen.
Otras bĆŗsquedasĀ // Further Reaserch
Thanks for watching!
Infinito - IDs


Infinito - IDs

Branding, animation & concepts for Turner channel Infinito.
