The Hatchery
This scene brings us to The Hatchery, as human beings no longer produce offspring but actually fertilized in artificial receptacles and incubated in specially designed bottles. Each fetus is destined for a particular caste, including Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta and Epsilon. The former ones have higher intelligence and better appearance, mostly being in the upper class, they are either scientists or leaders. On the contrary, the latter ones are in lower class and working class, some of them even look like monkeys.

這章節在描述一個沒有生育的烏托邦世界,人民不是透過母胎出生,而是靠「脫瓶」。透過基因操作,製造了五個階級的人類,包括Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, Epsilon。前者有較高的智商與顏值,大多都是上流社會的人,不是科學家便是領導層。相反後者是勞動及低下階層,什至長相與猴子很像。
書展位置: 1B-A37
The Hatchery