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Nursing Home Owner Akash Brahmbhatt Explains How

Nursing Home Owner Akash Brahmbhatt Explains How Pet Therapy Can Benefit Senior Citizens
Akash Brahmbhatt Explains The Importance Of Welcoming Furry Friends Into Senior Care Centers

When asked about typical nursing home activities, many people think of playing bingo, knitting, and listening to music from times past. Today, nursing home owner Akash Brahmbhatt explains that inviting trained therapy animals into nursing homes can be a fun, new, and exciting way to engage residents and provide both physical and psychological health benefits.

Different Types of Pet Therapy

According to Akash Brahmbhatt, there are three types of pet therapy often used in nursing homes and assisted living facilities: 
Visitation therapy: During this common type of therapy, animals are brought into nursing homes or assisted living facilities for a few hours at a time. Seniors get the benefits and enjoyment of spending some time visiting with pets but aren’t responsible for any part of the animal’s care.

Ownership therapy: Owning a pet as a part of a therapeutic process can be a great option for seniors who live alone or in assisted living, rather than in a nursing facility. Pet ownership has many benefits and can provide seniors with a sense of purpose. It’s important that seniors who own pets can manage every aspect of the pet’s care, from regular exercise to veterinary appointments.

Animal-assisted therapy: This type of therapy is valuable for people who are dealing with trauma and other mental health issues. Animals attend therapy with the client and can help lower stress levels, making it easier to open up to a therapist about difficult issues. 

Akash Brahmbhatt Explains How Pet Therapy Helps Nursing Home Residents

There are both physical and psychological benefits to pet therapy for senior nursing home residents, according to Akash Brahmbhatt. Physically, seniors who engage in pet therapy show lowered blood pressure. Seniors who participate in pet care, or who walk dogs or engage in active play with other animals during visitation therapy enjoy the benefits of physical exercise with a pet. 

Psychologically, pet therapy can reduce the risk of depression, lower rates of anxiety, and can contribute to a reduction in overall stress levels. Akash Brahmbhatt also mentions that some nursing home residents struggle with finding things to which they can look forward, and pet therapy provides an exciting event that residents can enjoy each week. 

In addition to interacting with animals, Akash Brahmbhatt says that pet therapy also provides residents with the chance to interact with animal owners, providing additional mental stimulation and emotional support.
Nursing Home Owner Akash Brahmbhatt Explains How
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Nursing Home Owner Akash Brahmbhatt Explains How

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