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Back to Bandwagon - Old Spark "返潮计划"-复古潮流插画之老火花

Back to Bandwagon - Old Spark 

"Return", return, return to the past era;
"Tides," trends, the most common form of culture of the time,
Looking back, I would call it a retro trend!
This is a series of works about "Old Spark", hoping to use a relatively new painting form to carry the traditional cultural form, or can be said to use the traditional cultural form to express the current new ideas and content.
At present, I have created fourteen illustrations of Old Spark series, and I will create more in the future (not only "Old Spark"), please look forward to it.

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Back to Bandwagon - Old Spark "返潮计划"-复古潮流插画之老火花


Back to Bandwagon - Old Spark "返潮计划"-复古潮流插画之老火花
