Tankmen fan art time! I'm a huge fan of the cult-classic 2000s-era webtoon "Tankmen" ever since I first found out about it a little over a months ago! I'm super late to the party, but there's still a following for it and I'm still having a blast with it! I've even made some new fandom-friends as a result! I'm super glad I looked into it, because it's so much fun with so much room for different ideas.

 Also, what's not to love about a piece of media that takes a gigantically tragic setting (the end of the world and post-humanity wars for territories) and makes it funny? What happens when the last humans on earth are all incompetent and silly despite losing everything? Either way, it's a take on the genre that I haven't seen a lot of and the characters are adorable and hilarious. Here's the fan art I've done over the past few weeks! 

(Drawings and fan art above © Allison Gajewski - 2021)
(Tankemen - Series © JohnnyUtah - 2006)

Tankmen Fan art!