Perfil de Peter Diamond

Autumn Leaves
A collection of pieces using autumn leaves, one of my favourite visual devices. I'm particularly fond of using red and gold maple leaves now that my Eastern Canadian home is so far away.
Biking out to the woods and napping on a bed of fallen leaves. For the National Post's 'The Month Ahead' arts calendar, October 2012.
Art Direction Geneviève Biloski.
For an article in Plansponsor magazine about the effects of ageing on retirement income.
Art Direction SooJin Buzelli.
Where We're From
A personal piece about the cultural inheritance we receive from our parents and pass to our kids.
For Therapy Today's article on the trauma experienced by the fathers of children given up for adoption.
Art Direction Laura Hogan.
For Hohe Luft magazine's article 'Die Gottlosen Gläubigen' ('The Godless Believers') about the notion of God without religion.
Art Direction Maja Metz
Autumn Leaves

Autumn Leaves

A collection of pieces using autumn leaves.


Sectores creativos