Marie Antoniette Movie Poster Re-design

I re designed the movie poster of the acclaimed movie "Marie Antoniette" of Sofia Coppola. I looked for a low-middle iconicity, and a vectorial appearance. 

My main purpose was creating a piece that could irradiate the tacky and extravagant vibes of the movie itself, as well as the main themes and concepts. I saw mainly three: her longing for liberty away from realness, joined to the ignorance of the outer world; sexuality, the need of having children, marriage; and exuberance in feasts, costumes, places...
In the poster you can appreciate some of the ideas I expressed above, such as the magnificent wigs and costumes of the movie, mixed with the contemporary and emblematic converse that appeared in a scene. 

I also wanted to express femininity and sexuality, which was a main concept talked along the movie. That's why within the dress you can appreciate, thanks to Gestalt laws, an uterus.
Thanks for watching! :)
All made by Marina Pastor Valcarce
Marie Antoniette Movie Poster Re-design


Marie Antoniette Movie Poster Re-design
