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Navras - Match box labels

Navras - Match box labels

This is an attempt to capture the nine basic emotions, moods that every being experiences.
Each emotion is captured by an expression known as “Bhava" and it is of utmost need to keep our emotions positive and under control for a peaceful life. 

Are you watching your emotions? 

Shantha - Tranquility
Hasya - Laughter
Bhibhatsa - Disgust
Karuna - Compassion
Raudra - Anger
Shringara - Love
Veera - Bravery
Adbhuta - Wonder
Bhayanaka - Fear
Navras - Match box labels
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Navras - Match box labels

This is an attempt to capture the nine basic emotions, moods that every being experiences. Each emotion is captured by an expression known as “Bh Lire la suite

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