Perfil de Marie Hong

Mobile Collaborative Kitchen

With the help of modern advancements and social media platforms, we’ve been able to connect to different people all around the world. Especially during this covid19 pandemic, more people are finding ways to connect online because of social distancing. And because restaurants and cafes were closed, a lot of us have had the time to create more homemade dishes. Through Facebook groups, I have been able to connect with people by learning new homemade recipes and dishes that I have never seen before from all over the world. If I think about it, eating is a very social activity. We enjoy lunch breaks with our colleagues, we enjoy a quiet dinner with family, we have a feast with familiar people when we celebrate, and even in some countries where people who are living alone put on videos of people eating (like Korean Mukbang) so they have company when they eat. So I was inspired by the idea of online food sharing to a physical public kitchen that local communities can share. The idea is to have it mobilized so it can move from one area to another, that way everyone has a scheduled day in the week. The priority locations are in low-income communities that mainly have migrant backgrounds, families with young children, and students. This is a good source for these people to get fresh and healthy meals where they can either exchange their help for free or pay a small fee for the food. And this would be a great way to introduce the culture of these home cooks to their community, bringing people to understand abit more of these people’s backgrounds. And the goal is to reduce food waste by purchasing fruits and veggies that are perfectly edible but end up being thrown away because they do not fit the commercial standards. The other way is to grow herbs and salads in the small greenhouse in the kitchen trolley. The rest of the ingredients are bought from unsold items from the supermarkets that would otherwise be thrown away. These are similar to the concepts of “Too good to go” where we can have the opportunity to buy last chance food at a small price and “Megafoodstunter” where they purchase and freeze food in bulk that would end up being thrown away by these wholesalers. These aspects make sure that these food reaches to everyone and to lessen food waste.
The kitchen trolley can be attached to a van that brings and docks it to the different locations. While the use of the van is to bring the ingredients from farms and wholesalers. When docked, the kitchen trolley’s facade can be disassembled into seats and kitchen preparation tables. The pop-up kitchen can also be disassembled and reassembled into a configurable space; whether cooking indoor or outdoor, the kitchen can be changed at different heights which makes it easier to accommodate more people to help with the kitchen preparations. 
Floor Plans, Sections, Elevations, and Isometric views
Design Studies
Sketch Studies
Class Presentation 
Mobile Collaborative Kitchen

Mobile Collaborative Kitchen
