A new brand identity for some of Belgium’s best financial advisors, completed during my internship at Duval Branding. Youthful vigour meets trusted expertise.
I was tasked to explore and create a brand identity around the proposed name ‘Dafinsi’ (Data Financial Insights) which referenced Leonardo Da Vinci and the idea of the ‘homo universalis’.

The minds behind this project wanted to approach the market with a new perspective on what it means to deliver financial insights. They wanted the brand to convey the personality of a wise friend who would sit beside you to give advice and help you to understand what each figure means for your business. Turning data-doubters into data-doers.
The logo reflects the idea of business confidence growing as data is reduced into digestible figures. In addition to a few nods to the Renaissance period.
A vibrant colour palette, designed to differentiate Dafinsi from its competitors, was based on the paintings of the Flemish masters.
Queens was chosen as the display typeface for its ability to reflect the Dafinsi way of working; alternating between professional or friendly depending on the situation.
The Dafinsi icon, used as a seal of quality and symbolic of planting a flag in the marketplace.
Thanks for viewing my project!

For more, visit otterspoordesign.com



A brand identity project pitched to some of Belgium's best financial minds during my internship at Duval Branding. Designed to disrupt the indust Read More
