Math and the Night Sea Exhibition  | Exhibition Identity/Imagen Gráfica | Seeing Gallery | Exploratorium
Math and the Night Sea Exhibition  | Exhibition Label/Gráfico Interactivo | Seeing Gallery | Exploratorium
(The circle in the middle of the lable was cut out to install an interactive button.)
(El círculo del centro del gráfico fué recortado para instalar el botón interactivo.)
Learn more about the exhibition here/Obtenga más información acerca de la exposición aqui:
Math and the Night Sea: The Square Wave and The Round Wave
by Reuben Heyday Margolin
Opening October 6, 2006 in the Exploratorium Seeing Gallery and Skylight area

In Math and the Night Sea: The Square Wave (2006), the aesthetics of mathematics and nature are inextricably bound. This sculpture reminds us that waves are an essential and fundamental element of our world’s physical reality—from ocean waves and electromagnetic radiation to the pulsing oscillations of sound waves. 

Math and the Night Sea: The Round Wave (2005) combines the mesmerizing quality of the ocean with an appreciation for interconnection and interaction. Subtly reminiscent of the movement of water, this piece explores the changeability of space and form as well as the human fascination with intricate mechanisms. The work suggests massive natural energies operating in harmony through a delicate interplay of gears, motors, camshafts, and various materials. 

Math and the Night Sea will be on display through February 25, 2007. For more information about Reuben Margolin’s work, please visit

Made possible in part by a grant from Grants for the Arts/San Francisco Hotel Tax Fund. 
Math and the Night Sea Exhibition

Math and the Night Sea Exhibition

Exploratorium Seeing Gallery -Exhibition Identity/Imagen Gráfica -Exhibition Graphics/Gráficos de la Exposición -Exhibition Design/Diseño de ex Развернуть
