On August 15 and 30th, 2020, expats have gathered in Hollywood, Los Angeles to show solidarity and support to our fellow brothers and sisters back home in Belarus. Here are some photos of how it went.
Although news has been keeping me up at night mulling over the situation and I have had hard time finding words to express what I feel and think, as it changed to quickly and the emotions are all mixed up, although at times it feels desperate and general mood goes down, I keep reminding myself how incredibly beautiful this birth of Belarusian nation has been and how bright the future could potentially be. It is not the time to give up. Lives lost and damaged cannot be forgotten or forgiven. It is not the time to go back to kitchen drinking and debating.
I was born in 1992, a year after USSR broke up and two years before Lukashenko became the first and only president of the newly sovereign state. My whole life there was without change, for years there has not even been much hope for any. I was taught how to shut up and get used to it!
What do I know? I know I did not vote for him, he is not and has never been my president! 26 years in power, he gave the people nothing but sweet lies and the promise of stability that never came, while pensioners sell vegetables, fruit, berries and mushrooms on the sides of roads, just to make a bit extra to pass by. People did not want a fight, they wanted him to hear them chant in unison: "Enough. Go away."
Photos above - Aug 15
Photos below - Aug 30
Los Angeles Rally in Support of Belarus


Los Angeles Rally in Support of Belarus


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