perlinScape 2021
code based work series using different noise algorithms and color arrays is a challenge to use programming code and algorithms to generate shapes, color series and compositions. a pleasure, comparable to what electronic musicians must have felt when they began to modulate synthetic sounds in the 70s in order to find out what sounds like, what pleases and what bothers you. to find out what goes together and which sounds create which feelings and associations ... that's how I feel about the art of creating images using programming code and algorithms. At the beginning there is an idea from which a whole series of experiments often emerges. the series "perlinScape 2021" emerged from the initial linear noise structures, from sinuous and organically warping waves, an increasingly refined compositional structure, a pictorial motif, the apparent motif "landscape". a gently undulating landscape, which can be found in the German Erzgebirge area of ​​my childhood as well as around my current place of residence in Brandenburg.
..making different color fine-tuning
noiseScape 2021

noiseScape 2021


Creative Fields