Profil von Dan Dulieu

Timico: HTML Emails

Project Year: 2014 - 2021

Brief: To code and design all of Timico's internal and external emails. This project lasted for the whole duration of my time at Timico - having created a library of hundreds of HTML templates that were used for many purposes, such as for campaigns, advertising, or company communications to colleagues within the business. The images were uploaded to the company's email server (with Cyberduck), and the emails would often be built using Coda or Brackets, taking provided content from the Marketing Team and other areas of the business and turning them into a template for Outlook, or in Hubspot. 

Many internal templates created over the years are unfortunately unable to be shown but many external designs are included, along with bulletin examples to customers and communications related to Covid-19.

Timico: HTML Emails


Timico: HTML Emails
