üla — studio 님의 프로필

Vistiendo Poesía — Logo & Visual Design

Alexandra and the rainbow.
That’s how she is, a color palette of emotions, a lion full of fire and words. She writes from modernity with nostalgia for an everyday and chaotic present.

Alex’s short poems are like quick notes made in a handmade notebook,
the kind full of overlapping papers and speedy writing — that inadvertently portray
a moment of contemplation.

So that’s the visual essence of @vistiendopoesia , a mix between analog
and virtual. A dialogue between both sides of her world.

Visually the starting point was the world of ex-libris; from its aesthetics,
to its character as a graphic stamp, and the personal meaning that each one has.
Vistiendo Poesía
#writer #poetry #socialmedia 
Logo Design & Visual Identity

*Alex's own images and Unsplash.com


Vistiendo Poesía — Logo & Visual Design


Vistiendo Poesía — Logo & Visual Design

Alex’s short poems are like quick notes made in a handmade notebook, the kind full of overlapping papers and speedy writing — that inadvertently 자세히 보기
