Perfil de Kirill Gilyazov

Bungalows "GoPro Lifestyle"

Visualization of the beach resort.
Location: Somewhere in the ocean.
Creation time: 4 days

Photo Credit: Jess VideMaël Balland

Some custom painted textures from Substance Painter for each bungalow
For this project I wanted to make exaggerated FOV, imitating typical GoPro filming from beach resorts, showing both the seabed with its underwater life, and also capturing beach shore.
It was a good excuse to use Substance Painter on an archviz project, because it is rarely useful in my regular orders and it was fun to play around with generators and brushes a bit. 
Other stuff was made as simple as it can, because I had a limited amount of time to work on the image, so this time without the huge abundance of detail and matte-painting. Because of the chosen FOV, however, I had to make the underwater part partially in 3D, but add a human presence in Photoshop​​​​​​​

You can check my Instagram or my Behance profile for other works, and fell free to leave a comment or two.

Bungalows "GoPro Lifestyle"


Bungalows "GoPro Lifestyle"

A little fun project, made in my spare time for a contest
