Profil appartenant à James Bury

AQUIA IV Water Saving Toilet

Design industriel

The modern look of the 2 piece Aquia IV toilet is an ultra-high efficient toilet which can flush with only 3 liters of water, which normally toilets need about 6 liters and is half the amount of water. I aimed to merge sustainability and design. The Aquia IV toilet has a super minimal design that fits into any bathroom interior, and is also water efficient.
モダンな外観の2ピース便器「Aquia IV」は、通常のトイレが約6リットル必要な水を、半分の3リットルで流すことができる超節水型のトイレです。私は持続可能性とデザインの融合を目指しました。Aquia IVは様々なバスルームのインテリアにも調和するミニマルなデザインで、更に節水効果があるトイレです。

Designed for every home, WASHLET+ is the smart way to introduce
the life-changing comfort and cleanliness of TOTO technology to your life.
Each toilet-and-seat set is harmoniously designed with no protruding pipes or cords.


Thanks to the DynaMax Tornado Flush technology, the rimless design makes the toilet easy to clean, and is also quieter than conventional flushes, and uses less water. The powerful flush reaches every inch of the toilet bowl, creating a strong whirlpool that bundles the force of the water for thorough cleansing.
Also, the CEFIONTECT ceramic glaze technology prevents debris and mold from sticking to ceramic surfaces.



Photo Credit: TOTO Ltd.
Designed by James Kaoru Bury

AQUIA IV Water Saving Toilet
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AQUIA IV Water Saving Toilet

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